First connect to the old Server via SSH and take the backup of AlbiSmart MongoDB database with the following command on Linux/Ubuntu: 

cd /api && docker compose exec app php artisan backup

The backup will be generated to the following directory: 


for example: 


The filename is 

See an example below: 

This backup we can either download from the old server to our pc, and upload it to the new server or we can do it via SCP. 

To upload the file to a new server use the following command: 

rsync -av /api/storage/backups/history/12-08-2024/ albismart@

We need to modify the ip addresses(swap ip addresses) with netplan 

nano /etc/netplan/xxx

After that we can install AlbiSmart  via Wizard and re-import the database by using the following command 

cp /home/albismart/ /api/storage/

cd /api && docker compose exec app php artisan restore --path="/var/www/storage/"

Please restart the following services just in case: 

cd /api && docker compose exec app bash

pkill -9 isc-dhcp-server

pkill -9 dhcp

pkill -9 dhcpd

service isc-dhcp-server restart

service freeradiusd restart

The freeeradius database can be pushed with the data via the following commands:

cd /api 

docker compose exec app bash 

php artisan tinker
$pppoes = model('internet/pppoe')->noCounter()->where('created_at', '!=', null)->get();
    foreach ($pppoes as $pppoe) {
        \App\Repositories\Action::dispatch('ManagePppoe', ['pppoe' => $pppoe->id, 'action' => 'registerimport']);

The DOCSIS cable modem tftp files will be generated automatically. However you can also do it via the following commands: 

$modems = model('internet/modems')->where('created_at', '!=', null)->get();
        $count = $modems->count();
        foreach ($modems as $key => $modem) {
            dump($key . '/' . $count);
            \App\Repositories\Action::dispatchNow("generatemodemconfig",['model' => $modem, 'restart' => false]);